A company with an exciting and relevant product: data. Statista is one of the worlds leading provider of statistics, infographics and dossiers. My tasks here are the overall art direction for the brand, the development of marketing campaign concepts and measures as well some very special projects like the following video.
This was the intro video for a big event at the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg in a collaboration with my colleague Oleg Fatkullin. Oleg was responsible for the 3D-Part and I did the 2D-Part. Together we created a completely new style to represent Statista and an epic intro video.
Conception // style frames // animation // art direction
While supporting the brand department, I also worked on the creation of a brand book for internal and external partners. I defined several new guides for topics like typography, logo and central design elements. Motion design was an important part here. For the most relevant sections I created short intro videos to visualize the topic and make the brand book more appealing.
Conception // guideline definition// copy writing // animation // art direction
Conception // Storyboards // Animation // Adaption
Conception // Storyboards // Animation // Adaption